Author Archives: Antonio Guillen Hederich
Spanish Powers of Attorney and lockdown
How can I complete my purchase in Spain during the COVID -19 lockdown?
Signing Spanish Notarial documents during lockdown
Spanish Wills during Coronavirus epidemic
Legalisation of documents at the Foreign and Commonwealth office during the lockdown
Can I sign Notarial deeds in Spain during the COVID-19 confinement?
Spanish bank account- why is so difficult to open one?
How to get a NIE Part 2
How to get a NIE Part 2
Antonio Guillen – Spanish Lawyer & Solicitor tells us about the “famous” NIE numbers that everyone doing business or investing in Spain has heard about.
In our first video on this topic we talked about the different ways to obtain a Spanish NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero in Spanish). If you have seen our first video you will remember that the different ways were as follows:
- In person at the Police Station in Spain
- At one of the Spanish Consulates in the UK
- By giving power of attorney to a lawyer or a friend/relative
In this video we cover one of the ways of applying for a NIE and the one that most of our clients choose: granting power of attorney to a lawyer to get the NIE number on his or her behalf.
This video explains the procedure, timings and peculiarities of this option. An option that can prove advantegous in those cases where the client does not necessarily have to travel to Spain i.e. an inheritance. Also helpful in those cases where the client is buying a property in Spain but cannot travel to that country for the NIE between exchange of contracts and completion.
As always, this is only for guidance purposes but it cannot replace the advice received on a specific consultation where the lawyer instructed can analyse all the elements of the transaction. Please feel free to view our video and if you have any questions do not hesitate to
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